วันจันทร์ที่ 28 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

OBC Reservation in India - a Step in the Right Direction

On 11 April 2008, the Supreme Court gave the verdict on the PIL filled against the government to implement 27 percent reservation for the Other Backward Class in the institutes of higher education. The policy was announced by the Human Resource Development Minister back about two years ago but was not implemented due to the stay order of the Supreme Court. The government was in order before the Supreme Court on the grounds that it would veto 93rd Amendment of the Indian Constitution called into question. 93.Amendment of the Indian Constitution in Article 15 was inserted in the following clause after clause 4, in the context "(5) Nothing) g in this article or paragraph (the clause (1) of Article 19 shall prevent the State from to no specific provisions under the Act to promote more socially and educationally backward classes of citizens or for the scheduled castes or the Scheduled Tribes in so far as such special provisions relate to their admission to educational institutions, includingprivate colleges, with or without help from the state, other than the minority educational institutions in paragraph (1) of Article 30 "means. In its ruling the Supreme Court clearly stated that" the Constitution (Ninety-Third Amendment) Act, 2005 not against the "basic structure" of the Constitution, insofar as they are managed at the state institutions and educational support. "The long-awaited decision finally ended the controversy over this issue andIt is now very clear that reservations for OBC's will be done.

Those who are on the positive effect of anti-government seems to favor the largest of the "Merit", which will go down, if the reservation will be implemented after. The argument of "Merit" lacks any logic and reason to do far too serious and with an understanding of self-rule. Merit is not the birthright of every individual, and some chapters in the societydeveloped is because of historical reason, is in the role of rigid and dominant caste system was evident. Caste system is an integral part of Hindu society and for this reason, Hindu society was divided on caste lines. According to the caste system, some part of society do not fit this discrimination to education and through this section was obtained excluded from the mainstream. It is necessary that we should cut them back in the Apartheid Wall has divided from the centuries of ourSociety. The lack of opportunity should not be a yardstick for measuring the IQ level, and until every person is given a level playing field is wrong and immoral to make a decision. It is a time to the fact that the exclusion never lead to achieving only the growth of a nation. It should be taken every effort to ensure that the needy in India is expected to arrive will receive adequate support in the basic arena of competition.

The argument of the "Merit" is also aFarce, and there is no evidence which proves that the needy do not deserve. Not far should we the example of South Indian states of our nation (Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Kerela) take where reservations are more than 50 percent, and this system continued from the last decade. These four have a maximum saturated rate of illiteracy, the largest contributor to the national income, and our IT hubs are mostly in those states. This is a region that produced the best engineers hadEngineers and IT professionals. It is also of those who speak of "Merit", which are highlighted in the southern Indian states, the cut-off marks of OBC to be higher than the general category. In this we can also use the example of Rajasthan Civil Service examination, the most recent year in which the cut off marks for OBC category was higher compared to the candidates of general category. In this we can also use the example of the Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) New Delhi, which is regarded as the best university for research activities and also the only university in India, which is in the world rankings. JNU in more than 50 percent of students from SC / ST and OBC (more than 20%) background and have produced some good JNU academics, bureaucrats and social activist of this nation. Therefore, it is much beyond doubt that no one is worse in this country form the rest, the question of what is given a chance to come forward. Those who show concern about the issue, "> Merit "are either suffering form subjective understanding or trying their best to survive without the rule of giving the right stocks much more vulnerable part of society.

27 per cent reservation for the OBC's will be done with the increase of 54% seats. This was supported by the Moily committee, which was founded in order the way for the proper implementation of reservation recommend recommended. This recommendation applies only to reservations are to OBC'cimplemented without cutting seats for general category. In the Government Gazette on OBC reservation, it is black in the correct language and writing, knowing that should cut down during the implementation of OBC reservation no seat of the general category. This is the reason why Moily committee also recommended that institutions can implement OBC reservation, where a phased manner. Periods of three years given for the full implementation of the OBC reservation. Well, if no capacitywill be cut for the upper caste, and it will remain at existing levels, the reason for the protest is unimaginable. Background, says that is due to the increase of 54 percent of seats are still more benefits, without food, the share of others. If the fight is necessary, it must lie in the question of broadening the base of education. To require a very long time, many progressive academics and student outfits that 6 percent of GDP on education should be issued. It is unfortunate thatGovernment after Government has not considered this request and at the level of discussion. India is a developing country, where more than 50 percent of the population of youth. This is most mature period when the Government should start more money for education. The last full budget of the UPA government is a step in that direction, however, demonstrated for the full three years of the government not much seriousness in the education sector. The other important question is why after more than 50 yearsour independence, we have some of IIT and IIM's, a JNU and AIIMS. This is the most important issue when the size of the cake will not be extended, and everyone wants it, as ofcourse the same problems remain. It is necessary to expand the size of the cake, and it just spread.

After the Supreme Court implementing the OBC reservation is a reality, it is time to accept if we are honest, it should take the benefit for the overall development of the nation and a position inSupport for social justice.

See Also : merits birthday reenacliff.blogspot.com sheridancait.blogspot.com davidgleblancs.blogspot.com

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 24 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Pune University Degree For Career Enthusiasts

Pune University is one of the most famous and sought-after universities of India. It is located in the state of Maharashtra and was founded in 1949. The campus of the University of Pune, spread over 400 hectares and has a very good student friendly environment. In addition, the University has over 118 research institutes, 46 departments and around 269 universities that are accredited to them. They offer many courses at all levels, that are the Pune University degreeCourses, diploma courses and certificate courses as well.

The degree of the University of Pune, which are offered here are generally for the disciplines related to mathematics, law enforcement, computer science, biotechnology, engineering and Applied Sciences. In fact, take courses in the University of Pune, a large number of students from across the country and abroad to realize the course of their dreams. These courses will help them immensely in their careers, as they areapt provided advice, knowledge, education and guidance to fly high.

Students who pursue a degree in Pune may well follow, as the university is to be relaxed very well with almost all major cities through the airways, railways and roads connected. In fact, Mumbai is the capital and is also the land of Bollywood stars, is also very close. It takes about half an hour to reach Mumbai, which is a very modern city. Studentscan easily travel to Mumbai and enjoy the weekends and holidays.

When students travel all the way from home countries to Pune university degree, which she is most concerned to pursue the accommodation and the food. Pune University is therefore caution that concerns of students. The students, who could easily come from other states and countries use the hostel facilities separately for both boys and girls on the basis of their merit. Youth hostelsthat the Pune University provides with have mess that avails the students with quality food. The food that is offered at the mess is very hygienic and healthy. Complete consideration of the sanitation and the cleanliness f the place is taken care f for the health of the students. So, as the hostel facility is also provided by the Pune University, students who are there to make a career from the Pune university degree do not any problem when they have to find an accommodation for themselves.
The Pune University also offers several online courses, so that people who work at the same time, the right kind of education have training. With these, it's online courses are very easy to be enrolled and have very few basic formalities to fulfill. In addition, these courses are very affordable and thus the large number of students who can study and pursue higher education in Pune want to have an access to him. All degree and diploma coursesCertificate courses offered by the University of Pune, both of which performed on campus and online, from the experts in various fields. They tutor students, he in the best manner, so that students can rise high in their careers and shine in the world.

See Also : ทำบุญวันเกิด regineclaude.blogspot.com

วันพุธที่ 23 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Financial Aid - Merit-Based vs Need-Based

Financial support is an important process in the university at the beginning of experience. It is, in fact, almost as important as the adoption by the College of the election of a student, because in those days, without benefit of financial support, it is very possible to get through all four years of students at the school . Financial assistance applies to the whole university experience. It is used to pay students for teaching in the first place, but also helps in paying for books and lab fees, their dormitories orHomes, as well as other numerous and various fees that are often in school.

But this is just the beginning for understanding the purpose and benefits of financial aid, which is divided generally into two different types of help. The first kind of financial support is a merit-based, but may relate to awards scholarships offered by individual universities and are offered by third parties. Merit-based financial aid application is usually offeredStudents who have excelled scientifically. Some, but also for students who have excelled in one particular area. Certain groups, such as the YMCA, also offer merit-based scholarships.

For example, an Honor Society could be offered to students, merit-based financial assistance is not only high academic standards, but also because the implied authority and services to the National Honor Society. An outstanding high school football player with good grades can alsoqualify for a merit scholarship. He does not need a 4.0 grade-point average - typically, a C or C + is the minimum grade-point average - only because it has a high quality of the ability to have demonstrated responsibility, and determination, as it applies to athletics. A school that best artists, it could also receive a merit scholarship. Students and has very good qualities of leadership and responsibility to qualify, too.

Merit-based financial aidEmphasis is not on the actual financial needs of each student. A student who comes from a wealthy family, who would not do to have trouble paying for college may receive a merit scholarship - if he or she deserves, of course - as simple as a student, who rely solely on financial aid, In order to attend college.

That the second type of financial support: the need-based scholarship recalls. The monetary needs of an individual student determines the awarding of need-based financial --Aid. In other words, while non-merit based scholarships for those who have much money and those who do not do that, are also provided, to-do students used in the example above could receive a need-based scholarship. To help you-need-based financial aid exists solely to financial hardship. In most cases, a student of the financial needs of FAFSA (the Free Application for Federal Student Aid determines), a comprehensive examination before the first semester students completedCollege.

The understanding of the key differences between the need-based scholarships and merit-based scholarships is only the beginning when it comes to understanding the advantages and disadvantages of financial support. However, it is incredibly important to know the difference before the start of the process of acquiring financial aid in order to better understand, what the potential students need - and, more importantly, what they get in the situation in terms of financial assistance .

See Also : ทำบุญวันเกิด petrovcricke.blogspot.com lynnoroberts.blogspot.com

วันจันทร์ที่ 14 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Beauty Home Remedies

The skin is one of the most beautiful estates in our body. A good skin reflects the health and displays beauty of a person who requires a special beauty skin care Everyone wants to look their best and as beautiful as they can. Herbal remedies are popular among European and Indian women from ancient times. Garlic is well known antibiotic properties and is therefore an excellent treatment for pimples and acne. Dilute some lemon juice with water and dab on pimples to killGerms, cool inflammation and improve blood circulation. A mask of grated apple mixed with a little honey is an excellent remedy for pimples. Dab a small amount of toothpaste (paste, not gel drying) on pimples before bed, which helps the pimples.

To prevent hair loss, you should drink one rich, biotin. Blend bananas with honey, yogurt and low fat dairy products. Do you drink for a few weeks. Mix a teaspoon of honey with 2 tablespoons olive oil, then beat in egg yolks. Massage on hair in smallSections. Wrap head with shower cap for 30 minutes. Rinse and shampoo. This is a good treatment for split ends. Putting a drop of rose water into each eye just before you sleep and refresh your eyes. To prevent chapping of your lips, hot water fermentation on your lips and then apply a mixture of Vaseline and honey. Apply this mixture about three times a week. To dry out your lips, you can not use a ground mixture or rose petals and milk butter.

Amlas are also very goodfor the hair. To extra shine and glow to your hair add 2 tablespoons of malt vinegar. Use it as a last rinse and dry your hair. Mix in lemon juice powder and barley are going on at the knuckles to get the dark Ness. Do this twice a month and notice the difference. With a nail brush regularly gives away the dirt and filth, which usually causes smelly feet. Summer is approaching and it's time to sit on the strappy sandals. Use a pumice stone or scrubber regularly on the heelsand soles. Thus the formation of the cornea is prevented. Boil rosemary in 1 / 4 liters of distilled water and 1 tablespoon of cognac. Apply as a face wash with a cotton swab. Apply coconut oil daily to the skin to reduce fine lines and wrinkles.

Apply lavender oil on a dry and rough spots. Aloe vera is useful for the prevention of skin aging. Aloe vera gel is in the improvement of the lesions may be helpful. Apply a cool cloth soaked in chamomile tea to reduce the tired eyes. Use a little saltor sugar, sometimes the skin is peeling. Face masks help much to keep a beautiful skin. It is a great beauty skin care. Add a few drops in your bath tub with bubbles and soak for a bit of baking soda for a large, your skin will be easily absorbed. Soft legs flashing in a relaxed. UV radiation is the most important environmental factor in the development of skin cancer. Wear sunscreen if you plan to stay out during a large part of the day, if there are no clouds.Sunscreens help to other problems, the sun and prevent aging skin and precancerous growths context.

วันอังคารที่ 8 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

ADHD Tied to Brain's Reward Pathway

By Jennifer Warner
WebMD Health News

Sept. 8, 2009 -- A problem in the brain's reward center may be behind symptoms like inattention associated with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ( ADHD).

New research suggests this dysfunction in the brain's reward pathway interferes with how people experience reward and motivation. Dopamine is a chemical in the brain essential to normal functioning of the nervous system.

"These deficits in the brain's reward system may help explain clinical symptoms of ADHD, including inattention and reduced motivation, as well as the propensity for complications such as drug abuse and obesity among ADHD patients," says researcher Nora Volkow, MD director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse, in a news release.

ADHD is a childhood psychological disorder that may also persist into adulthood and affects 3%-5% of American adults.

Researchers say the results offer new insight into ADHD as well as help explain why people with ADHD may be more likely to abuse drugs or become obese.

The study, published in TheJournal of the American Medical Association, used positron emission tomography (PET) brain scans to measure markers of the brain's dopamine system in 53 non-medicated adults with ADHD and a comparison group of 44 healthy adults.

The results showed that compared to the healthy adults, those with ADHD had a reduction of dopamine receptors and transporters in two regions of the brain involved in processing reward and motivation.

"This pathway plays a key role in reinforcement, motivation, and in learning how to associate various stimuli with rewards," says Volkow. "Its involvement in ADHD supports the use of interventions to enhance the appeal and relevance of school and work tasks to improve performance."

"Our results also support the continued use of stimulant medications -- the most common pharmacological treatment for ADHD -- which have been shown to increase attention to cognitive tasks by elevating brain dopamine," Volkow says.