วันเสาร์ที่ 31 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Ten Commandment Conundrum

Here in America we hear much talk in the Christian world on the Ten Commandments. While there are statues in our Supreme Court of carrying out the sacred tablets of Moses and the Ten Commandments can be in the halls of many of our oldest universities and the courts to be found. Christian parents can often be heard commenting about how bad things have become in the U.S. "since they took the Ten Commandments from school."


"Torah" isa Hebrew word, teaching, training, or the law means. The Torah is also known as the Law of Moses as the five books of Moses (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy), also called the Pentateuch (Greek for "five containers," which relates the navigation key cases in the books were kept). The Torah is the central and most important document of Judaism revered by Jews for centuries. The Torah is written in Hebrew, the oldest Jewish language. Torah refers primarilyThe first section of the Tanakh, an acronym based on the letter T (for "Torah"), N (for "Neviim," the Prophet) and K (for "Ketuvim," the Scriptures). It is the collection of the teachings of God to man in written form - which is sometimes used to the written law and oral law of Judaism, the entire spectrum of authoritative Jewish religious teachings of history, including the Mishnah, the Talmud refer to the Midrash, and more.

For Jews, the Torah wastraditionally been accepted that the word of God gave to Moses. For many it is the primary guide for the relationship between God and man, and the whole purpose of this relationship, a living document that unfolds across the generations.

To the Hebrews says, is what God requires of them in relation to the manner in which they live their lives and what they should do, can do and should not do. It regulates the manner in which God was to be addressed and how theHebrews were to keep the law. The litmus test for the chosen people of God was and is their compliance with these laws.


In case you wonder what it is God requires in the Torah, there are hundreds of laws and statutory provisions shown there. There are civil laws to ensure the functioning of a community, the ceremonial laws in relation to the victim system and atonement for sin, and there are the moral laws of the Ten Commandments, which are intended to be a live --righteous before God.

With so many laws we can only wonder if someone can actually hold even a part of them. Got to do with our propensity to evil, but there is none among us who might now or never to have the line be drawn.

Let's say I was "obey good enough" to 100 of 300 statutes of the law. I do not have speed or spit on the sidewalk, for example. My position is that the small part of the law enough to win the favor of the Holy Creator of my earnings, how would I everknow? Have we then to humanize God and hope that he will grade us on some sort of Celestial curve and assume that it only comes to us with the best of what we can do?

WARRANTY: No one will win God's favor by their own ability to keep the law because we humans are not able to keep it. 1. John 3:4 says: "Who does sin, transgresses also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law." No, you do not just cut self-righteousness with God. Isaiah says, "our righteousness is filthy rags." (Isaiah64:6)

Genesis 19:2 says: "Be holy, for I the Lord your God, am holy." Are YOU sacred? God is. He has no injustice in it, but the Scripture says: "There is no righteous, not even one (Romans 3:10)." According to my Hebrew lexicon, the Hebrew word for "injustice" is pronounced "eh'-vel" and is defined as "injustice, violence, acts of injustice, injustice and inequity of language in general. It refers to evil acts, language, or even unspokenThoughts.


A drop of injustice will always be patches, what is just. Holiness is the moral perfection. It is certainly not perfect and complete justice. To sin even once, it is never perfect again. The Hebrew word "holy" (qodesh) means "separation". We use the word "sacred." We outing to "separate from their midst and" fallen from the world, holy vessels of the Lord. We are of God, according to the Torah, as God is holysacred.

As it happens, by the way?

Isaiah wrote that God is "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of Hosts" (Isaiah 6:3). I learned that in Bible College, at any time, God used a word or phrase more than once, he is a sentence with an exclamation mark and tried to call attention to their paramount importance. God asks us to be holy. Impossible? Not if we keep the law perfectly.

You go first.

It's easy. Everything you need to do is never a sin. Just to think that the law without at any pointMistakes and you will earn a true holiness before God.

Go ahead.

Try not to think of you in a long, red, unlit candle. You can not do it? Me neither.

Now try not to sin. Even if it were possible, would receive one, proud of their ability to be perfect.

That is a sin.

As you can always perfect the Ten Commandments? When we covet our neighbors goods - we will find ourselves a dress or a truck as she had, then we have broken the whole law. James 2:10states: "For whoever keeps the whole law and yet offend in one point, he is guilty." Remember requires us as perfectly holy as God for him, "without holiness no man shall see the Lord" (Hebrews 12:14).

What now?


Since Adam's sin we all have been sinful, imperfect people. For this reason God gave us the Torah as a guide for more sacred. Since God requires perfect holiness, he directed the victim system, so that we COULD be holy.If the law is broken, we are a blood sacrifice for our sins to offer. Finally, there is no other way to eliminate the effect of sin except through the blood. "... Without shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins" (Hebrews 9:22). This bloodshed pointed out that the penalty paid for sin, a life was for the lives of all who have sacrificed sinned. The victim was an example of how the wrath of God was either either poured on you and me to the OR orTo sacrifice. Jesus Christ is willing submission to the massacre on the cross paid the price for our sins, and impact on the means of reconciliation. "Because one person disobeyed God, many were people are sinners. But be because another person obeyed God, many people will be made directly in the eyes of God" (Romans 5:19).

Our sins will never be forgiven, if blood is spilled in our name. The temple in Jerusalem is now a Muslim temple. Nowhere in the Hebrew Bible is to revealthat his victim system no longer has operations, it is obvious that God always requires another Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur). Although it can modern rabbis who say say something contrary to this, God. God's people can not and will not be forgiven without the shedding of blood of the lamb, and without the transfer of the sins of the people on the goat is not to forgive the sins of mankind.

What now? Finally, we are inherently selfish and evil and can not always be theLaw. Gossip, jealousy, lust, anger, hatred, theft ... a single evil thought against our neighbors, breaking the whole law. If we are all honest with ourselves (believe me, we know God always has our most secret depths of our soul), we are ALL breaking the law. I have never kept the law and neither have you. I'm not sure holy as God is holy. So I've decided I want a lamb into the church on Sunday and slaughter consider before God and everyone. Right?


TheTorah says (Deuteronomy 6:5) "And thou shalt love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength." Why do none of us really? Because we sin! This verse describes the sum or the law that we love God in this way. If we do not, then God says, only a few verses later (Deuteronomy 6:13-15): "Thou shalt fear the LORD thy God, and Him, and shall take oaths in His name. 14 Thou shalt do not go after other gods, the gods of the peoples, all of which arearound you 15 (for the LORD thy God is a jealous God) among you so that the anger of the LORD your God be aroused against you and destroy you from the face of the earth. "

Wow! God says that is those who are imperfect "destroyed." This is a terrible dilemma for us all. We have no more blood sacrifices in the temple, and had not one for centuries. God has never said we could no longer sacrifice animals for our sins. So what is a sinner do?

Stay with me ...

TheGal had the same problem we have today. They were a gathering of Jews, to be guided by Jesus as the Messiah more than 1900 years ago. They were not sacred, and they wanted the law as much as possible and should be "holy and deserve eternal life. Working? They had broken the law from day one! Face it, nobody has to steal a baby or teach selfishly.

This Galatians received a letter from the apostle Paul, who showed them how to be in a right relationshipwith God through the atoning blood of a perfect Lamb of God, His only Son Jesus Christ. He wrote: "(Galatians 2:20)" I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live, yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and himself for me. "

Jesus had died as the only sacrifice that mankind would ever need. His blood sacrifice on the cross as the Lamb of God has made with the subjectSin. Through Christ we can all be free from sin, for all it has been washed away. "Though your sins as scarlet, they shall be as snow" (Isaiah knows 1.18). God has decided, for our sins to forget, "casting them into the sea of forgetfulness," as far as East from West. "Galatians 3:29 states:" If you heard of Christ, then you are Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise. "The promise Yes, that's the promise of redemption, the fullness of life, eternal life with God are all in Jesus. Hehas the salvation for all who call on Him to give, through faith.


Yes, Jesus taken away our sins, and his perfect holiness now belongs to us! Feeling still sacred? They were born again crucified with him and with him. His righteousness has therefore thy righteousness as well as in the eyes of God and Satan are. Far too many people pray sincerely pious-sounding prayers when they say: "Lord, I am not worthy." To this I say, "Friends of the Crossgood enough for you, too! There is NO VIP Sinners. Jesus was everything you ever needed. For that truth by faith! "

Jesus lived a perfect life without sin. He willingly gave his life for the freedom of individuals from the law, which showed us what sin is. As Paul said: "I would not have known sin, if not the law show me." The law is a strict disciplinarian shows no mercy, forcing those who are "good" to point the finger at others who they perceive you are "bad", the creation of aWicked caste system even within the church.

God makes use of the law to kill, but not give to life. He uses the law to kill all hopes of a man of good fortune through the deeds of him. But it is the gospel, the Good News of Jesus Christ, that he used to encourage in order to comfort and, yes, we rise again. The Act authorizes us never for the service, but only showed us our wickedness. It never gives us the strength to do what she asks of us. We can not earn eternal life byto keep the law, while their works. It is only through faith in Jesus Christ, we can obtain eternal life. Paul wrote: "They died in the law through the body of Christ, so that you are of another, who has it has been raised from the dead, that we bear fruit for God. While we were living in the flesh, our sinful passions, by excited to bring the law were at work in our members' fruit for death. But now we are under law, to what is dead held us captive, then releasedserve that we are not under the old written code but in the new life of the mind "(Romans 7:4-6).

Galatians 3:13, he wrote: "Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us, for it is written Cursed," everyone who hangs on a tree: "We can not fulfill the law for us because we are poor. Jesus Christ has done for us. It is the end - the fulfillment - the law. He is our Redeemer, give us our inability to keep the law.Jesus is the Suffering Servant in Isaiah 53, who suffers and dies only required blood sacrifice of God for sin is required. Verse 5 says: "He was wounded for our iniquities, he was crushed for our sins: the chastisement of our peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed." Jesus saves us by his death. Through His resurrection we can have eternal life. Psalm 16:10 says, "Thou shalt not leave my soul in hell, nor will you suffer thine Holy One to seeCorruption. "God would not allow his servant to suffer corruption, so he raised him from the grave.

Do you believe that stuff? It's called "grace" (Ephesians2 :8-9), defined by many as the "God's unmerited favor." I prefer the definition of "doing power, what God calls us to do." You just need to believe what you believe for your salvation, forgiveness ... everything. After all, Habakkuk 2:4 says, live "... only by his faith."

Live free from the shackles of religionRules hold, the only actions that leads to self-righteousness. Live a life that is freely adapted from the constant hoop-jumping as a kind of circus animal, always looking over your should, in the hope that the father, the last good deed for the day observed. The word "religion" is defined as "returns were for slavery." Jesus came to free us! The world has programmed us all and should work in a performance mode from the cradle to the grave. That is not how was the relationship with God is always onbe.

EVERYTHING you ever did this or do will ever, has been awarded. Remember, Jesus all our sins upon himself 2000 years ago and she nailed a cross. How many sins they had committed at that time? None. How about 1500 years later? None. How about 120 years ago? For most of us, none. So why the sins of five years or five minutes or five years from today be any different? He gives you His righteousness, so that you can be perfectly holy in God'sEyes.

Lest anyone think that this gives us a license to sin, the fact is that we are not one thing - we will sin ANY WAY. Will there be consequences if we do? Absolutely. Galatians 6:7 warns us: "Do not be deceived you, God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." Although this is absolutely true that we reap what we sow - so sow the seeds carefully - there is nothing that ever separated us from the love of God (Romans 8:38-39).

Fall in love only in Jesus for his grace!There is an overwhelming, gratefully caused kind of love that people want to live their lives in his name, because they too believe in his cause, and because they can not wait for others to have what they say received by him. Freedom from sin! Freedom from the bondage of legalism! These are things worth shouting - things that all of humanity is actually heard to die.

Do you have that kind of love for Jesus? Is it motivates you to do great things for this king?

Or are you still the service of aBody as the incarnation of God?

Religion offers no life.

Relationship with Jesus because he says, is life.

My Links : ทำบุญวันเกิด judyfvasques.blogspot.com

วันพุธที่ 28 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Commercial Property Market Value Directs Investments

If you are an investment, it is important that you consider its commercial property market value. Market value is a very slippery term, and can vary widely, depending on how you calculate it. Opinions of market value can fluctuate widely. The broker can imagine, a place has a definite value, but the assessment may be completely different.

If no one is ready to take the amount you have to pay, placed on a property, then it is obviously not their real value. Furthermorecomplicates things, you can expect the projected business value, change almost constantly.

In general, the market value of the maximum amount that a property for sale to be informed in a "normal" business - with both parties fully and competently can be defined, and no questions that are outside the transaction.

Often, but when someone buys property, they have a variety of factors, their decision, and many other mental processes lead tothe final decision. The best agents are able to understand completely on the mental processes to facilitate smooth transactions between the buyer and the seller.

But if you do not go directly with a buyer, you must do your best to estimate the commercial property market value. You can use a variety of tools to do this for you. In fact, many companies offer Property Analysis Services that will tell you how likely an investment is profitable to turn around. They areneed some basic information about the property, and you need to find out some information about the local real estate market, but if you have that will provide information, the process is very simple. You can quickly determine whether a market value of residential real estate returns will result in your investment, or if the demand is too poor to invest value.

While it is impossible for an exact amount to obtain a lucrative sale of the warranty, it is definitely worth trying,Estimate a figure. Once you earn a basic figure that you expect from a commercial property, you will be able to better plan the future of your investment. Whether you expect to earn more or less than you, you'll probably still appreciate a profit of close to yours. This is very helpful, especially if you want to decide what to do, is with the returns on an investment - that is, if you decide to invest the money in different properties.

If you want, in which oneReal estate business, you should carefully plan how you go out to, the commercial property market value of your future investments. You can appreciate it on your own, or you can high-priced advice on the features that you do not even pay for the port you to decide. Or you can use a property analysis service, and make it easy to estimate the market value of residential real estate. You can formulas, software, guides and other tools that are offered. It makes the processsimple, and it definitely pays for itself.

Thanks To : ทำบุญวันเกิด mildredethomass.blogspot.com

วันศุกร์ที่ 23 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Hunger and Poverty in America: The Myth Of Meritocracy

In relation to hunger and poverty in America, the US-American people believe in a myth. The real myth is not that hunger and poverty do not exist in America. However, the prevalence of poverty, hunger in America is largely downplayed and ignored the collective American public opinion. Regardless, no one can deny, the staggering statistics. In the United States, 38.2 million people - including 14 million children - live in households that experience hunger or the risk of hunger. 3.9 percent of the U.S. --Households experience hunger. 8.0 percent of U.S. households are at risk of hunger. Although often ignored, the facts are obvious.

The real myth in America is the myth of meritocracy - the myth that the poor are just lazy and stupid. Most Americans seem to believe that poor people in America deserve poverty. These people believe that the United States is a meritocracy, defined in the wealth and status through merit. These people believe that the rich have earned in the United Statestheir wealth through intelligence and hard work. And therefore believe that, cause these people, the laziness and stupidity, poverty.

The prevalence of this myth shocks some people who ask how about 14 million U.S. children could earn poverty. Children. The non-meritocratic reality is clear who has worked on most, or knows someone who has worked two or even three jobs and earns barely enough to survive. Diet In fact, many intelligent hard-working American families struggle toHouse and clothe themselves.

It seems that the belief is based on the myth of meritocracy rather than logic or empirical evidence. Rather, it seems, the belief in the power company is based on demand and cognitive dissonance. Not to say that the majority of the non-poor Americans want to jump to believe that 38.2 million Americans are lazy and stupid. Rather, the majority of the non-poor Americans want to believe that they do not, the poor deserve their wealth and status. The majority of the non-poorAmericans choose to the idea that poverty is certainly not unfair to deny meritocratic forces because they do not want to accept that their own wealth equally unfair. The majority of the non-poor Americans do not want to admit that the majority of poor Americans have bad luck, because that would mean that the majority of the non-poor Americans simply have luck. Understandably, the Americans want to feel like they deserve, decent citizens in a fair meritocracy. You do not want tofeel guilty, happiness or responsible for the poor.

Unfortunately, this presumption and arrogance alone can not explain the prevalence of the myth of meritocracy, because not only the non-poor Americans do not believe in the myth of meritocracy, but poor Americans believe in it! While explaining the arrogance and desire could be proud of the non-poor Americans believing in the myth of meritocracy, it can not explain why poor Americans believe in this myth. Just as non-poor Americans, poorAmericans believe that they are inferior and deserve to be poor. Poor Americans literally - both collectively and individually - an inferiority complex. In addition, workers and middle-class Americans never question their own status in relation to the upper class. In fact, working-class Americans do not help with poverty have actual wealth, but with credit lines. Their houses, cars and clothing are all financed with borrowed money. The majority of the non-poor working Americansare literally on the edge of poverty. In general, their apparent wealth is an illusion.

To understand the spread of the myth of meritocracy, it is necessary to understand the socio-economic structure of the United States. The real wealth in the United States is in the hands of a few. The top 1% in the United States has more wealth than the bottom 95%. In general, the upper class does not work or produce. Generally, senior class, is unproductive and uncreative. Insteadthat employees or managers, the upper class to earn their money by stock ownership and banking. Money controls everything, so that the richest of the rich do not work. In fact, which is sponsored by the Government of U.S. dollars mightier than the sword.

It is not in the interest of the richest and most powerful to the true owners of America have a rebellious working class. The powers to be that all have an interest in maintaining the non-meritocratic oligarchy. To run from the beginning in the GovernmentTaught school, students who believe in the myth of the power company. The schools teach students literally blind nationalistic patriotism. The entire social system, namely schools, indoctrinating people to believe that America is absolutely fair and meritocratic. All the evidence that contradicts the myth of meritocracy, is omitted from the courses, whether historical or contemporary. Yes, killing women to India will also suppress slave owners are issued to the American hero.

A very smallMinority of non-working unproductive people really run America, and most of the world. A very small minority of people have all the wealth and power. Simple Machiavellian philosophy says that those who do benefit from the current social order, what they can to keep order in place. Simple Machiavellian philosophy says that those who would change is detrimental to furiously trying to stop change. It is no surprise that the very small minority of the rich and powerfulwant to keep the current social order, and they have a beautiful life. Wealth without work.

The most important way to keep the masses of people in revolt, is by fooling the masses with the myth of meritocracy. Convince the lower and working classes, the classism based on merit, and they will continue to perform their jobs. Even as more children go hungry and medium-increasing debt, they will continue to perform their jobs. As long as the working classes and lower classes have an inferiority complex,they will continue to work on it. They are depressed, stressed, and hungry, but they will continue to work on it. Nothing changes, and the few people who assert an interest in the oligarchy. The prevalence of the myth of meritocracy, guarantees the distribution of the oligarchy.

And as long as the oligarchy prevails and nothing changes, 14 million American children go to bed hungry every night. And 16,000 children die every day.

Friends Link : ทำบุญวันเกิด petrovcricke.blogspot.com essieipreusser.blogspot.com mariaqbrock.blogspot.com

วันศุกร์ที่ 9 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Pros and Cons of Ready Made Oil Paints

Oil paintings are one of the most popular forms of painting by most of the artists used the spectators. They are one of the pictures, which serve much of a painter. They are used by almost all levels of the painter or the artist. They are the most admired paintings. There is no limit to the extent to which they are made, the finished oil painting. There is no limit on the extent of use, whether they are by professional artists, so that they can earn even a crust orThe form of a wonderful therapeutic hobby for the enthusiastic and amateur painter. As far as the finished painting as they are one of the paintings mode, a registered imagine the advantages and disadvantages. The pros and cons were listed, it will help you to provide an overview of the finished oil painting.

- As far as the finished oil paintings are concerned, they have a circumference of a variety of selections, they can only be selected on the basis ofColors displayed in the card.
- This sentence assumes that a professional oil painter, you need to possess it, is oil painting brushes, the art or canvas, and some of the basic skills so that you can paint. You need an expert in painting, a fundamental player can paint miracles in painting in oils to be done because of its simplicity.
- In oil paintings, the higher price is the range and quality of the products that are involved.
- It is alwaysimportant to guard against the fact that the oil paint and oil paintings are not smaller than the instruments of these sets so it is important that you take good care of this step.
- This is usually done so that the cost of oil paintings are kept at a competitive level, so that we have the opportunity to sample a good selection of used products.
- It is a remarkable fact to remember that oil painting is an ecstatic work of art placed an ad running longer than the lifetime
--Some of the better set of oil paintings include several brushes, color media, and even art supplies canvas or boards, so you can paint, there are some sentences in which the lessons are videos
- Some of the best benefits offered to you to have is that you and you start is very easy and can immediately
- They would also be offered with the merit that you not to buy it separately
- All articles in this series are extremelycompatible
- You can also use the field to bring the plates at home without smudging the color, it is one of the best ways to

Some of the shortcomings are:

- There are chances that you color in the set that you seldom use.
- It's always better that the set value and then take the decision to buy.

Tags : ทำบุญวันเกิด piercecorvin.blogspot.com stephanobrad.blogspot.com reesesclayto.blogspot.com